Research and Consultancy

The CREHUD implements an anti-traditional Corporate-Academic Research and Enterprise Development (CARED) educational philosophy, originated by the ICRED UK, This philosophy fuses fundamental, applied, inter- and multi-disciplinary research, up to PhD level, with transformative, actionable, and client-focused knowledge; research-teaching excellence; creation of research-based spin-offs; and a Holy Grail in corporate-academic publishing. These engagements are driven by technically-deep computing and information technologies, an ecosystem of innovative research and consulting networks,,, and a relentless series of international schools, symposia, conferences, and workshops in different countries of the world.

The CREHUD supports the ICRED in running series of contract research and consultancy works across all ICRED schools and programmes. These schools include: philosophy of knowledge production; innovation and creativity; 7E education and enterprise development; statistics and information modelling; integrated business analytics and development; computing and information technologies; advanced multidisciplinary studies in mathematical sciences, health and well-being, for example; global economics and global business. See

Nigerian Address

Dominican University

UK Address

10 Ashleigh Avenue,
S12 2RZ, UK

Contact Us

+ 44777632150